1 |
Mother Changeling
Sand Josieph
5760 |
2 |
Friendship Express
6280 |
Przewalski's Ponies
5230 |
My Little Pony
4790 |
Spooky Pony Skeletons
3620 |
3 |
Looking at the Stars
John Kenza,
3560 |
4 |
Pony Girl - Fluttershy
Pinkie Rose, Tridashie
6390 |
5 |
Cutie-H Equestria
Velvet R. Wings
8550 |
Hush Hush, Leise sein
Mein kleines Pony
5160 |
Celestial Bersekers
Jyc Row, Vaceslav
4760 |
Friendship U
My Little Pony
4380 |
6 |
Schwingt den Schweif
Equestria Girls 2 - Rainbow Rocks
4500 |
Geschichte vom Derpyfest
Zecora95, Melody
4300 |
7 |
Gesungenes Telegramm
Mein kleines Pony
6060 |
8 |
Grinse Wenn's Dich Gruselt
Mein kleines Pony
4940 |
Pony Pokey
Mein kleines Pony
4840 |
Auf Der Gala
Mein kleines Pony
4770 |
9 |
School of Friendship
My Little Pony
7370 |
DuckTales Theme Song
Disney, Jeff Pescetto
5560 |
10 |
Blank Flanks Forever
My Little Pony
7440 |
11 |
Lotta Little Things
My Little Pony
5940 |
Donn DeVore
5840 |
We're Friendship Bound
My Little Pony
3230 |
12 |
Mein kleines Pony
6990 |
This Is What It's Like
4EverfreeBrony, Envia Sun, SaxPon3, TheMusicReborn
6280 |
The True Gift of Giving
My Little Pony
4670 |
13 |
These Bronies are Inspired
Finn The Pony
3590 |
15 |
Here on the Moon
4EverfreeBrony, Faux Synder, Emily Jones
7750 |
16 |
Better Way To Be Bad
My Little Pony
6430 |
17 |
Who knows
4EverfreeBrony, Milkmomo, EileMonty, MemJ0123
6940 |
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
My Little Pony
6680 |
5450 |
18 |
3990 |
19 |
Good Morning Baltimare
MEMJ0123, Bassecho, Haylizbeth
3700 |
20 |
One Small Thing
MLP The Movie
6830 |
Prince Whateverer
6050 |
21 |
Apples to the Core (Rock Version)
7150 |
Time To Be Awesome
MLP The Movie
6220 |
Octavia's Overture
5080 |
23 |
We Got This Together
MLP The Movie
7040 |
27 |
Cutie Mark Crusaders
My Little Pony
4990 |
29 |
A Kirin Tale
My Little Pony
6210 |
High School Great
Friendship is Witchcraft
4970 |
30 |
Luna (Alt Mode)
Forest Rain
6720 |
Make A Wish (Extended)
My Little Pony
6640 |
31 |
Open Up Your Eyes
MLP The Movie
8290 |
Babs Seed SOS Remix
Daniel Ingram
5770 |
32 |
Jingle Bells
My Little Pony
4210 |
34 |
When Can We Do This Again
BUCK 2016
6070 |
35 |
Eurobeat Brony, Odyssey
5790 |
It's a Pony Kind of Christmas
My Little Pony
5410 |
36 |
Morning in Ponyville, Life in Equestria
My Little Pony
5050 |
37 |
My Little Pony Theme
My Little Pony
8260 |
38 |
My Little Pony
3920 |
39 |
Make A Wish
My Little Pony
7410 |
41 |
A Changeling Can Change
My Little Pony
8550 |
42 |
Applejack's Lullaby
My Little Pony
8470 |
43 |
Faster Than You Know
BlackGryph0n, Baasik
7800 |
Make this Castle a Home
My Little Pony
5830 |
48 |
Until The Sun
7470 |
Great To Be Different (PMV)
Forest Rain, Decibelle
7310 |
Open Your Eyes
1970 |
57 |
What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
My Little Pony
5070 |
59 |
The Spectacle
My Little Pony
6850 |
60 |
Luna's Future
My Little Pony
8070 |
71 |
Equestria, The Land I Love
My Little Pony
7230 |
My Little Pony
5810 |
73 |
Babs Seed
My Little Pony
6540 |
75 |
Andrew Huang
2990 |
77 |
A True, True Friend
My Little Pony
7450 |
Raise this Barn
My Little Pony
5980 |
82 |
Join the Herd
Forest Rain
5970 |
86 |
Apples To The Core
My Little Pony
6630 |
93 |
Smile Smile Smile
My Little Pony
7710 |
102 |
You'll Play Your Part
My Little Pony
7820 |
134 |
5910 |