1 |
My Cadence (Cadance)
Matthew Mosier
9960 |
Dance Magic
Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
9930 |
Open Up Your Eyes
MLP The Movie
9920 |
The Magic of Friendship Grows
My Little Pony
9920 |
Neigh Anything
FritzyBeat, Sim Gretina, Melody Note
9870 |
4EverfreeBrony, Giggly Maria, Relative|Pitch
9860 |
Emerald Eyes
4EverfreeBrony, Relative1Pitch
9840 |
The Twilight Will Rise
Megaphoric, Turquoise Splash
9840 |
Lotta Little Things
My Little Pony
9830 |
Honest Me
9830 |
Good Time
9820 |
Am I So Different
9770 |
Solidarity (In This Together)
9740 |
Zero Gravity
BlackGryph0n, Baasik, Michelle Creber
9740 |
I'll show you my Loyalty
PhonyBrony feat. Feather
9720 |
Prince Whateverer
9680 |
Pieces of Me
Canapplejack, Pencil Eraser
9620 |
Better Way To Be Bad
My Little Pony
9550 |
2 |
I'll Fly
My Little Pony
9960 |
Hope Shines Eternal
Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
9890 |
The Magic Inside
My Little Pony
9890 |
Light of Your Cutie Mark
My Little Pony
9890 |
9870 |
Better Than Ever
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9810 |
Hearts Strong as Horses
My Little Pony
9760 |
dBPony, PrinceWhateverer
9680 |
9680 |
Between Fairytales and Happy Endings
9650 |
9610 |
Black Gryph0n, Michelle Creber
9540 |
Forest Rain
9380 |
3 |
The Highest Tower
4Everfreebrony, EileMonty
9920 |
Great to Be Different (Original)
Forest Rain feat. Decibelle
9860 |
I've got to find a way (Extended)
My Little Pony
9860 |
Faster Than You Know
BlackGryph0n, Baasik
9780 |
Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
9700 |
MLP The Movie
9600 |
4 |
Awesome as I Want to Be
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9950 |
CHS Rally Song
Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
9910 |
A Friend For Life
Equestria Girls
9890 |
Friends Are Always There For You
My Little Pony
9870 |
Legend of Everfree
Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
9850 |
Shine Like Rainbows
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9800 |
9610 |
Are We There Yet
BlackGryph0n, Baasik
9540 |
Pinkie Rose
9400 |
I'll Fly Higher
AcousticBrony, MandoPony
8640 |
5 |
Embrace the Magic
Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
9670 |
Tricks Up My Sleeve
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9610 |
Right There In Front Of Me
Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
9480 |
6 |
You'll Play Your Part
My Little Pony
9880 |
Perfect Day for Fun
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9640 |
Unleash the Magic
Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks
9510 |
7 |
My Past is not Today
Equestria Girls Shorts
9780 |
Apples To The Core
My Little Pony
9680 |
Under Our Spell
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9500 |
8 |
What More Is Out There
Equestria Girls - Friendship Games
9620 |
9 |
Lullaby for a Princess
9670 |
11 |
Legend You Are Meant To Be
Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
9140 |
12 |
Let's Have a Battle
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9630 |
13 |
This Day Aria
My Little Pony
9510 |
15 |
A True, True Friend
My Little Pony
9620 |
17 |
Let The Rainbow Remind You
My Little Pony
9600 |
18 |
Welcome to the Show
Equestria Girls 2 – Rainbow Rocks
9320 |