What are these songs counted in?

Started by RaveScratch, August 19, 2013, 02:06:20 PM

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When entering in notes to make a song you need to enter in a start time for that note. This start time obviously increases as you progress though the song, however I was wondering by what increments does the number that represents the start time increase by. Beats, half-beats, quarter-beats, etc.?


Honestly, there are better ways to make a song file than by manually typing everything into a text file.  I would recommend trying to get Composer, which makes it a lot easier to do.

As to the actual question itself, I have utterly no clue.  Maybe someone else can help you out there if you really want to do it manually.


The #GAP measures the time from the beginning of the song to beat number 0 in milliseconds. The note positions are measured in beats after the gap. Technically, you can create notes that start in the negative, but those will glitch up the song.  The length of a beat is mesured by 60/BPM, in seconds.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!