BlackGryph0n - Proud to be a brony

Started by evillander, September 16, 2012, 08:41:22 AM

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Someone want to make a karaoke of this song?
Enough Vocal to try out...
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


But use the remastered version and ask BlackGryph0n for an instrumental version with the backing voices.


Quote from: Profpatsch on September 20, 2012, 12:06:52 AM
But use the remastered version and ask BlackGryph0n for an instrumental version with the backing voices.

Is there a difference between the normal and remastered one? :S
I have the instrumental allready, he left it on his youtube song description as 'karaoke'
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


Working on this song.

link to instrumental:


A while ago if you would ask me what I watch in my spare time,
No I probably wouldn't tell you what was really on my mind.
But lately I've been thinking of a reason I should hide
FiM as if to mention it where painful, when it feels so good inside!

Why can't I mention Fluttershy and her timid loving mind,
How she can be herself near animals, but shies away from her own kind?
Why can't I mention Pinkie Pie? And the way she kind of acts a bit like me sometimes?

You see I use to hate that I liked my little pony. Not any more...
I'm proud to be a brony!

Many try to make me feel embarrassed but their attempts have been in vain,
For though they tell me I'm the one with problems, they're the ones who are insane!
So for those watch but won't admit it; well you shouldn't be like that.
Cause you could be twenty percent cooler in ten seconds flat!

Why don't you mention Rainbow Dash and her acrobatic skill,
How she will try her hoof at anything just to get a little thrill?
Why don't you mention Apple Jack, and talk about her honest southern style power of will?
See you don't have to fake that you hate my little pony. Shout it out!
"I'm proud to be a brony!"

So I'm gonna mention Rarity and how she's oh so lady like,
But even though she's prim and proper, she could make it in a fight!
And I'm gonna mention Twilight, and though she's kinda nerdy, boasts a power tucked away, could take an Ursa any day!
So how about you? Would you do what I do, or be phony?
I'm asking you now...

Are you proud to be a brony?
Are you proud to be a brony?

Video converted by youtube downloader

Cover picture:
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


The remastered one is ... well ... remastered?


Since you asked in the other thread, here's the USC-ready text for this song:

A while ago if you would ask me
what I watch in my spare time,
No I prob'+ly would+n't tell you
what was really on my mind.
But late+ly I've been think+ing
of the rea+son I should hide
F+i+M as if to men+tion it where pain+ful,
when it feels so good in+side!

Why can't I men+tion Flut+ter+shy
and her ti+mid lo+ving mind,
How she can be her+self near a+ni+mals,
but shies a+way from her own kind?
Why can't I men+tion Pin+kie Pie?
And the way she kind of
acts a bit like me some+times?

You see I used to hate
that I liked My Litt+le Po+ny.
Not a+ny more...
I'm proud to be a bro+ny!

Ma+ny try to make me feel em+ba+rrassed
but their at+tempts have been in vain,
For though they told me I'm the one with problems,
they're the ones who are insane!
So for those watch but won't admit it;
well you should+n't be like that.
Cause you could be twen+ty per+cent cool+er
in ten se+conds flat!

Why don't you men+tion Rain+bow Dash
and her ac+ro+ba+tic skill,
How she will try her hoof at a+ny+thing
just to get a lit+tle thrill?
Why don't you men+tion Ap+ple Jack,
talk a+bout her ho+nest
sou+thern sty+le po+wer of will?
See you don't have to fake
that you hate My Lit+tle Po+ny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Shout it out!
"I'm proud to be a bro+ny!"

My Lit+tle Po+ny
I used to won+der
what friend+ship could be
My Lit+tle Po+ny
Un+til you all shared
its ma+gic with me
Win+ter Wrap Up, Win+ter Wrap Up,
Let's fi+nish our ho+li+day cheers
Win+ter Wrap Up, Win+ter Wrap Up,
<at this point, it becomes too garbled to single out one song>

So I'm gon+na ment+ion Ra+ri+ty
and how she's oh so la+dy like,
But even though she's prim and pro+~+per,
she could make it in a fight!
And I'm gon+na men+tion Twi+light,
and though she's kind+a ner+dy,
boasts a pow+er tucked a+way,
could take an Ur+sa a+ny day!
How 'bout you?
Would you do what I+~ do, or be pho+ny?
I'm asking you now...

Are you proud to be a bro+ny?!
Are you proud to be a bro+ny?...

Funny how even the song's creator got a few words of transcribed text wrong.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


Quote from: Smilley on September 22, 2012, 12:30:22 AM
Since you asked in the other thread, here's the USC-ready text for this song:

A while ago if you would ask me
what I watch in my spare time,
No I prob'+ly would+n't tell you
what was really on my mind.
But late+ly I've been think+ing
of the rea+son I should hide
F+i+M as if to men+tion it where pain+ful,
when it feels so good in+side!

Why can't I men+tion Flut+ter+shy
and her ti+mid lo+ving mind,
How she can be her+self near a+ni+mals,
but shies a+way from her own kind?
Why can't I men+tion Pin+kie Pie?
And the way she kind of
acts a bit like me some+times?

You see I used to hate
that I liked My Litt+le Po+ny.
Not a+ny more...
I'm proud to be a bro+ny!

Ma+ny try to make me feel em+ba+rrassed
but their at+tempts have been in vain,
For though they told me I'm the one with problems,
they're the ones who are insane!
So for those watch but won't admit it;
well you should+n't be like that.
Cause you could be twen+ty per+cent cool+er
in ten se+conds flat!

Why don't you men+tion Rain+bow Dash
and her ac+ro+ba+tic skill,
How she will try her hoof at a+ny+thing
just to get a lit+tle thrill?
Why don't you men+tion Ap+ple Jack,
talk a+bout her ho+nest
sou+thern sty+le po+wer of will?
See you don't have to fake
that you hate My Lit+tle Po+ny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Shout it out!
"I'm proud to be a bro+ny!"

My Lit+tle Po+ny
I used to won+der
what friend+ship could be
My Lit+tle Po+ny
Un+til you all shared
its ma+gic with me
Win+ter Wrap Up, Win+ter Wrap Up,
Let's fi+nish our ho+li+day cheers
Win+ter Wrap Up, Win+ter Wrap Up,
<at this point, it becomes too garbled to single out one song>

So I'm gon+na ment+ion Ra+ri+ty
and how she's oh so la+dy like,
But even though she's prim and pro+~+per,
she could make it in a fight!
And I'm gon+na men+tion Twi+light,
and though she's kind+a ner+dy,
boasts a pow+er tucked a+way,
could take an Ur+sa a+ny day!
How 'bout you?
Would you do what I+~ do, or be pho+ny?
I'm asking you now...

Are you proud to be a bro+ny?!
Are you proud to be a bro+ny?...

Funny how even the song's creator got a few words of transcribed text wrong.

Thanks for your help and sorry about the messages...
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


Oh, I'm starting to get the hang of this, I didn't know what the difference was by using ~ and + because I didn't understand some words in your tutorial, I'll try to work further on it tommorow or atleast this week...
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


Going to try it tommorow again.

Was at 70% of the song and suddenly it all closed without saving.

Atleast I know what to do now :/
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


Topics merged and moved to the WIP subforum.


There are some words where you you have a syllable with different pitches, like the "And I will brighten up your day" in the Smile Song. To represent it in Ultrastar, you can either write it as da-a-a-ay or day~~~. Because both are read by USC as a single word, they need to have a + between each pitch for it to be used correctly. So the end result in USC would be da+-a+-a+-ay or day+~+~+~. The +-s themselves won't be carried over to the karaoke file, though.
Also, remember to delete the line with the <>. I only added that as information.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


As a side note, Singstar uses a dash (-) during long lines and also separates all syllables within a word. Here's an example ("wind - -" = 3 tones) and another.

I'd rather keep the lyrics as readable as possible and not repeat letters in this kind of situation, so I'd advise to use tildes.


#TITLE:Proud to be a Brony
#ARTIST:BlackGryph0n - Baasik/BlackGryph0n
#MP3:Proud to be a Brony.mp3
#COVER:BlackGryph0n - Baasik/BlackGryph0n - Proud to be a Brony [CO].jpg
#BACKGROUND:BlackGryph0n - Baasik/BlackGryph0n - Proud to be a Brony [BG].jpg
: 0 1 0 A
: 5 1 0  while
: 16 1 0  ago
: 24 1 0  if
: 30 1 0  you
: 35 1 0  would
: 41 1 0  ask
: 48 1 0  me
- 58
: 68 1 0 What
: 72 1 0  I
: 75 1 0  watch
: 82 1 0  in
: 86 1 0  my
: 92 1 0  spare
: 100 1 0  time,
- 112
: 123 1 0 No
: 127 1 0  I
: 131 1 0  prob'
: 136 1 0 ly
: 143 1 0  would
: 147 1 0 n't
: 155 1 0  tell
: 163 1 0  you
- 172
: 180 1 0 What
: 183 1 0  was
: 187 1 0  really
: 193 1 0  on
: 202 2 0  my
: 209 1 0  mind.
- 223
: 237 1 0 But
: 241 1 0  late
: 248 1 0 ly
: 252 1 0  I've
: 259 1 0  been
: 266 1 0  think
: 275 1 0 ing
- 283
: 291 1 0 Of
: 295 1 0  a
: 299 1 0  rea
: 305 1 0 son
: 309 1 0  I
: 314 1 0  should
: 321 1 0  hide
- 327
: 333 1 0 F
: 336 1 0 i
: 340 1 0 M
: 344 1 0  as
: 347 1 0  if
: 353 1 0  to
: 359 1 0  men
: 366 1 0 tion
: 371 1 0  it
: 379 1 0  where
: 383 1 0  pain
: 402 1 0 ful,
- 413
: 403 1 0 When
: 407 1 0  it
: 411 1 0  feels
: 415 1 0  so
: 422 1 0  good
: 426 1 0  in
: 434 1 0 side!
- 446
: 458 1 0 Why
: 463 1 0  can't
: 468 1 0  I
: 476 1 0  men
: 483 1 0 tion
: 491 1 0  Flut
: 495 1 0 ter
: 502 1 0 shy
- 507
: 512 1 0 And
: 516 1 0  her
: 520 1 0  ti
: 526 1 0 mid
: 531 1 0  lo
: 537 1 0 ving
: 544 1 0  mind,
- 549
: 554 1 0 How
: 562 1 0  she
: 566 1 0  can
: 573 1 0  be
: 580 1 0  her
: 584 1 0 self
: 592 1 0  near
: 600 1 0  a
: 605 1 0 ni
: 609 1 0 mals,
- 616
: 623 1 0 But
: 626 1 0  shies
: 630 1 0  a
: 634 1 0 way
: 640 1 0  from
: 644 1 0  her
: 649 1 0  own
: 655 1 0  kind?
- 667
: 679 1 0 Why
: 686 1 0  can't
: 690 1 0  I
: 697 1 0  men
: 703 1 0 tion
: 714 1 0  Pin
: 718 1 0 kie
: 724 1 0  Pie?
- 730
: 736 1 0 And
: 740 1 0  the
: 743 1 0  way
: 749 1 0  she
: 755 1 0  kind
: 760 1 0  of
- 764
: 767 1 0 Acts
: 782 1 0  a
: 797 1 0  bit
: 804 1 0  like
: 818 1 0  me
: 831 1 0  some
: 838 1 0 times?
- 849
: 860 1 0 You
: 867 1 0  see
: 874 1 0  I
: 889 1 0  used
: 895 1 0  to
: 902 1 0  hate
- 910
: 918 1 0 That
: 923 1 0  I
: 930 1 0  liked
: 951 1 0  My
: 965 1 0  Litt
: 972 1 0 le
: 986 1 0  Po
: 1003 1 0 ny.
- 1044
: 1084 1 0 Not
: 1089 1 0  a
: 1093 1 0 ny
: 1102 1 0  more...
- 1142
: 1182 1 0 I'm
: 1187 1 0  proud
: 1191 1 0  to
: 1196 1 0  be
: 1203 1 0  a
: 1210 1 0  bro
: 1217 2 0 ny!
- 1443
: 1667 1 0 Ma
: 1671 1 0 ny
: 1675 1 0  try
: 1678 1 0  to
: 1686 1 0  make
: 1696 1 0  me
: 1706 1 0  feel
: 1711 1 0  em
: 1716 1 0 ba
: 1722 1 0 rrassed,
- 1730
: 1738 1 0 Their
: 1742 1 0  at
: 1745 1 0 tempts
: 1750 1 0  have
: 1756 1 0  been
: 1761 1 0  in
: 1769 1 0  vain,
- 1775
: 1781 1 0 For
: 1785 1 0  they
: 1788 1 0  tell
: 1792 1 0  me
: 1797 1 0  I'm
: 1805 1 0  the
: 1809 1 0  one
: 1816 1 0  with
: 1824 1 0  problems,
- 1837
: 1850 1 0 They're
: 1854 1 0  the
: 1861 1 0  ones
: 1865 1 0  who
: 1871 1 0  are
: 1878 1 0  insane!
- 1885
: 1892 1 0 So
: 1896 1 0  for
: 1900 1 0  those
: 1905 1 0  who
: 1911 1 0  watch
: 1918 1 0  but
: 1924 1 0  won't
: 1929 1 0  admit
: 1936 1 0  it;
- 1948
: 1959 1 0 Well
: 1963 1 0  you
: 1966 1 0  should
: 1973 1 0 n't
: 1978 1 0  be
: 1984 1 0  like
: 1993 1 0  that.
- 2036
: 2004 1 0 Cause
: 2008 1 0  you
: 2011 1 0  could
: 2015 1 0  be
: 2021 1 0  twen
: 2025 1 0 ty
: 2032 1 0  per
: 2038 1 0 cent
: 2046 1 0  cool
: 2053 1 0 er
- 2068
: 2082 1 0 In
: 2086 1 0  ten
: 2090 1 0  se
: 2094 1 0 conds
: 2104 1 0  flat!
- 2116
: 2127 1 0 Why
: 2134 1 0  don't
: 2139 1 0  you
: 2144 1 0  men
: 2148 1 0 tion
: 2158 1 0  Rain
: 2166 1 0 bow
: 2170 1 0  Dash
- 2176
: 2181 1 0 And
: 2185 1 0  her
: 2189 1 0  ac
: 2195 1 0 ro
: 2201 1 0 ba
: 2207 1 0 tic
: 2212 1 0  skill,
- 2219
: 2226 1 0 How
: 2230 1 0  she
: 2234 1 0  will
: 2240 1 0  try
: 2246 1 0  her
: 2253 1 0  hoof
: 2261 1 0  in
: 2270 1 0  a
: 2274 1 0 ny
: 2278 1 0 thing
- 2286
: 2293 1 0 Just
: 2297 1 0  to
: 2301 1 0  get
: 2307 1 0  a
: 2314 1 0  lit
: 2318 1 0 tle
: 2327 1 0  thrill?
- 2339
: 2351 1 0 Why
: 2357 2 0  don't
: 2361 1 0  you
: 2367 1 0  men
: 2371 1 0 tion
: 2382 1 0  Ap
: 2387 1 0 ple
: 2394 1 0  Jack,
- 2474
: 2405 1 0 Talk
: 2409 1 0  a
: 2413 1 0 bout
: 2419 1 0  her
: 2426 1 0  ho
: 2432 1 0 nest
- 2435
: 2438 1 0 Sou
: 2447 1 0 thern
: 2454 1 0  sty
: 2478 1 0 le
: 2487 2 0  po
: 2498 1 0 wer
: 2505 1 0  of
: 2509 1 0  will?
- 2520
: 2530 1 0 See
: 2536 1 0  you
: 2544 1 0  don't
: 2560 1 0  have
: 2565 1 0  to
: 2572 1 0  fake
- 2580
: 2588 1 0 That
: 2592 1 0  you
: 2599 1 0  hate
: 2619 1 0  My
: 2633 1 0  Lit
: 2640 1 0 tle
: 2655 1 0  Po
: 2669 1 0 ny.
- 2685
: 2700 1 0 Yeah,
: 2710 1 0  yeah,
: 2722 1 0  yeah!
- 2737
: 2752 1 0 Shout
: 2757 1 0  it
: 2766 1 0  out!
- 2809
: 2852 1 0 "I'm
: 2856 1 0  proud
: 2863 1 0  to
: 2869 1 0  be
: 2875 1 0  a
: 2881 1 0  bro
: 2888 1 0 ny!"
- 2897
: 2905 1 0 Yeah
: 2923 1 0 ~!
- 3016
: 3108 1 0 My
: 3120 1 0  Lit
: 3125 1 0 tle
: 3132 1 0  Po
: 3141 1 0 ny
- 3154
: 3167 1 0 I
: 3171 1 0  used
: 3175 1 0  to
: 3178 1 0  won
: 3184 1 0 der
- 3202
: 3187 1 0 What
: 3195 1 0  friend
: 3202 1 0 ship
: 3208 1 0  could
: 3215 1 0  be
- 3238
: 3221 1 0 My
: 3233 1 0  Lit
: 3237 1 0 tle
: 3244 1 0  Po
: 3254 1 0 ny
- 3301
: 3269 1 0 Un
: 3272 1 0 til
: 3275 1 0  you
: 3280 1 0  all
: 3287 1 0  shared
- 3290
: 3293 1 0 Its
: 3301 1 0  ma
: 3307 1 0 gic
: 3311 1 0  with
: 3318 1 0  me
- 3325
: 3331 1 0 Win
: 3336 1 0 ter
: 3344 1 0  Wrap
: 3350 1 0  Up,
: 3358 1 0  Win
: 3364 1 0 ter
: 3371 1 0  Wrap
: 3378 1 0  Up,
- 3386
: 3394 1 0 Let's
: 3400 1 0  fi
: 3403 1 0 nish
: 3407 1 0  our
: 3413 1 0  ho
: 3420 1 0 li
: 3424 1 0 day
: 3432 1 0  cheers
- 3439
: 3446 1 0 Win
: 3453 1 0 ter
: 3463 1 0  Wrap
: 3469 1 0  Up,
: 3476 1 0  Win
: 3482 1 0 ter
: 3489 1 0  Wrap
: 3506 1 0  Up,
- 3901
: 3798 1 0 Well
: 3801 1 0  I'm
: 3805 1 0  gon
: 3813 1 0 na
: 3816 1 0  ment
: 3822 1 0 ion
: 3830 1 0  Ra
: 3836 1 0 ri
: 3839 1 0 ty
- 3847
: 3854 1 0 And
: 3858 1 0  she's
: 3862 1 0  oh
: 3867 1 0  so
: 3872 1 0  la
: 3876 1 0 dy
: 3884 1 0  like,
- 3890
: 3896 1 0 But
: 3899 1 0  even
: 3903 1 0  though
: 3910 1 0  she's
: 3917 1 0  prim
: 3925 1 0  and
: 3933 1 0  pro
: 3940 1 0 ~
: 3944 1 0 per,
- 3979
: 3963 1 0 She
: 3966 1 0  could
: 3969 1 0  make
: 3973 1 0  it
: 3980 1 0  in
: 3986 1 0  a
: 3990 1 0  fight!
- 4005
: 4019 1 0 And
: 4022 1 0  I'm
: 4026 1 0  gon
: 4032 1 0 na
: 4036 1 0  men
: 4042 1 0 tion
: 4051 1 0  Twi
: 4060 1 0 light,
- 4068
: 4075 1 0 And
: 4079 1 0  she's
: 4082 1 0  kind
: 4087 1 0 a
: 4094 1 0  ner
: 4100 1 0 dy,
- 4155
: 4107 1 0 Boasts
: 4111 2 0  a
: 4118 1 0  pow
: 4124 1 0 er
: 4134 1 0  tucked
: 4139 1 0  a
: 4146 1 0 way,
- 4151
: 4155 1 0 Could
: 4166 1 0  take
: 4170 1 0  an
: 4175 1 0  Ur
: 4182 1 0 sa
: 4193 1 0  a
: 4197 1 0 ny
: 4204 1 0  day!
- 4213
: 4221 1 0 How
: 4230 1 0  'bout
: 4238 1 0  you?
- 4306
: 4269 1 0 Would
: 4273 1 0  you
: 4276 1 0  do
: 4283 1 0  what
: 4287 1 0  I
: 4295 1 0 ~
: 4309 1 0  or
: 4309 1 0  do,
: 4317 1 0  be
: 4323 1 0  pho
: 4335 1 0 ny?
- 4378
: 4421 1 0 I'm
: 4429 1 0  asking
: 4435 1 0  you
: 4450 1 0  now...
- 4541
: 4631 1 0 You
: 4638 1 0  proud
: 4642 1 0  to
: 4650 1 0  be
: 4658 1 0  a
: 4672 1 0  bro
: 4677 1 0 ny?!
- 4711
: 4744 1 0 You
: 4749 1 0  proud
: 4755 1 0  to
: 4762 1 0  be
: 4772 1 0  a
: 4776 1 0  bro
: 4783 1 0 ny?...

I finally did it, sorry for taking so long...
Going to make it with USDX this week...

EDIT: Someone knows how to make a scroll box of this? xd
With all great things, comes a great responsibility.



With all great things, comes a great responsibility.


Just wanted to point out that there's this version of the song too (with considerably more difficult vocals):


Incomplete file. Anyone available to work on it? :)

Starry Night

I think they gave up on this song because one person took it on as a project and never finished it.

It should be moved back into request since its no longer a WIP
