[S6E08] Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again

Started by Smilley, May 14, 2016, 06:32:33 PM

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And here I was complaining about the lack of songs this season.
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should we do the first part (beginning of the episode) and the last part (ending of the episode) as one extended song or should it be split as two songs?

[spoiler]first part:

Ponies' voices fill the night
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Happy hearts so full and bright
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Oh, what a sight
Look at the light
All for tonight
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Clouds arranged 'til they're just so
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Gonna make some awesome snow
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
The chill wind blows
Making a show
Snowflakes aglow
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
A day that's filled with songs to sing
Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding
Cakes and pastries we shall bring
Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding
So busy making merry
Windigos should all be wary
As our mighty voices carry
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Decorations we shall make
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Perfection you just cannot fake
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Not one mistake
Don't let that break
Oh, goodness' sake!
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once a—
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again!

last part:

Hearth's Warming Eve is filled with presents
Some take you by surprise
A story shared by your good friends
That makes your spirits rise
Sometimes you just let go of the past
Enjoy the present while it lasts
And really it's not that much to ask
With good friends by your side
Now it's time to celebrate
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
All together, feeling great
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Can hardly wait
We'll party 'til late
Our favorite date
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once a—
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again![/spoiler]

part one is from: 00:00:00.000 to: 00:01:39.057
part two is from: 00:20:29.019 to: 00:21:33.751


We've done similar songs in one, so I say let's keep it that way.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


Psychic, any news on the audio for this one?
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


Sorry for the delay on this one...  my chorus had its spring show this weekend, and I've been recovering from it.  (Just exhausted)

I'll work on it right now.


That's fine, I'm catching up as well anyway :)

(Also there's an extra official song on Owncloud, if you want to do some audio authoring for this one as well, I'd love it :P)


Ugh... Trying to make an instrumental for the first part of the song was a nightmare.  There just wasn't much center channel audio to work with... just the small solo bits.

However, I managed to chop some stuff out and make a decent sounding instrumental.



@Renard: I'm not sure I'll be able to make the notes file for that other song. The pitches are just too hard.  ;D
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


Done. I'm not 100% on the lines "Making a show" and "As our mighty voices carry". Could you look at especially those, please?
Oh, and the second part of the video is about one second off in its current state.
Also, it's a different encoding as usual, as my Media Player cannot play it at all. It works in-game, though.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


Making a show: You (or Renard) are following Fluttershy's line so "Make" could also be A instead of D. 
"As our mighty voices carry" seems to be ok.
Quote from: QT Luna on May 17, 2015, 10:05:06 PM
I've seen RD1042 perform songs with 8500-9500 points on medium with eyes closed, slightly drunk and half-sleeping.


It feels like a natural ↗ progression to me here, so I'll just keep "make" that way. :)
"As our" sounds a bit (half tone) lower than "mighty voices" to me.

Re-uploading the file with a fixed audio track (main voices were too loud during some parts, fixed by rainbowderpy).


You're right, "As our" is one halftone lower.
Quote from: QT Luna on May 17, 2015, 10:05:06 PM
I've seen RD1042 perform songs with 8500-9500 points on medium with eyes closed, slightly drunk and half-sleeping.


The notes.txt in the released version is wrong - it's got song_new.mp3 as the audio track. Fixed it on the Cloud - please upload.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!