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Messages - sleumas2000

Issues and bug reports / Re: leaderboard crashes
April 07, 2016, 09:01:17 AM
What error does it give?
Can you send us your error.log file? (C:\Program Filex (x86)\My Little Karaoke\error.log by default on Windows computers)
Welcome! / Re: Hay everypony!
December 17, 2015, 11:28:57 PM
Quote from: rainbowderpy on December 10, 2015, 12:22:40 AM
Just realised that I stole the topic from Sleumas2000. Sorry for that, was not intended...
don't worry about it, it's cool
Have you set up an account on the online highscore page, and is your account always the same as that, and your password correct?
In addition, make sure your player name (that you choose when you choose a song) is not one of the defaults, or the name of a Pony - otherwise it won't work.
Welcome! / Re: Hi and tnx
August 03, 2015, 10:20:06 AM
Hello There HouPe

I am probably speaking on behalf of many of us when I say that it always gives me a warm feeling inside thinking that this project (which admittedly is a lot more Renard and Smilley's work than mine :P) has made other people realise their talents for singing, or just to have a fun time.

Thank you very much for coming over here to say that, it means a lot to us.

EDIT: Oh yes, a new challenger for the leaderboards too :D - good luck
there are graphic resources you can download on the downloads page
That's not to say that you can't sing along anyway (I often do)
You just won't get scored on it
Issues and bug reports / Re: Strange Sparkle Glitch
July 20, 2015, 07:35:37 PM
I really don't know what it is, but if it's only graphical and doesn't affect gameplay, then you would probably do well to ignore it, and just show off your extra sparkles
I'll look into this and fix it
seconded, this is a beautiful song, and I hope it finds its way into the game
As much as I love this cover (it is amazing)
I'm not too sure about having two versions of Autumn in the game.
Then again, I could cite EB - Discord and TLT - Discord
So iunno.
Second opinion?
Quote from: PsychicWalnut on April 17, 2015, 01:20:45 PM
This was the closest topic for it... so time to necro the thread.

My skills have improved enough to where I was able to make a decent instrumental of the theme (full version).
mp3 is on the cloud.
Glad it's working :)
I know - I realised as soon as I started doing it.
Nothing seems to get the BPM right for it. :(
In the launcher, click open game folder, and try to find "songs"/"Downloads" - and inside it, is there a folder called "Life is a runway"?
If there is, check if there is a file called notes.txt
Quote from: PsychicWalnut on April 07, 2015, 09:41:38 PM
OK guys, I got some audio in the cloud for ya.

There's a vocal reference track for tapping and pitching, the full song, and two instrumental versions (one with the chorus removed)  Feel free to pick what version(s) you want for the final release.

All tracks are sync'd with each other.
Thanks - I'll get to work on it
right - I'll try this one.
For the chorus, I'll just see what sounds best and let other people edit it until they like it too
Try re-installing Ultrastar from the official repos, and only copying the contents of the song directory in to the game.
If it still works, THEN copy the theme. If that still works, don't bother copying Extra.

Tell me what happens
You gotta shaaaaaaare~ / Re: Post yourself singing
January 13, 2015, 06:37:19 PM
Quote from: Minute Crash on January 09, 2015, 11:23:03 AM
Well this is me singing there some songs but it was my first time recording and i kinda did suck hard xD
on that first song (Mad Mares):
"I could've done better"
YOU HAD 9700!!!!!!
That is 97% of notes hit.
That is one Phenomenal score!
I'll do this as soon as I can
I absolutely love this song :D