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Messages - KyleThePale

Pinkie's Counter / Re: Welcome, new members!
January 06, 2014, 02:07:19 AM
Wow. I didn't notice this thread even existed. I guess I should probably post something here. Then again, I'm already typing this so I guess that counts.
Where can I download this individually? I download the song packs and put them on Ultrastar and can't find this in any of the song packs.
I could always just extract the audio from the video in my video editor, cut it off at the places it needs to be cut off at, and then upload it on something like soundcloud or fileshare or whatever people use anymore.
Also on Nightmare Night (Glaze Version) the song seems to be a few seconds ahead, not just the video.
You gotta shaaaaaaare~ / Not sure...
November 22, 2013, 06:04:34 AM
Not really sure why I'm posting this since Smiley already watched all of them (I think), but here's my playlist that I plan to expand. I kinda really like this game:
I wanted to make just one more request. The only hard part here would be the actual file work with UltraStar. I'm learning how to do that, but literally have no idea what I'm doing so after this I'll try to actually take on other requests people have made.

Here's the cover art:

The background is exactly the same so I took the one from Cyril's Cover of it:

And of course the official lyrics by Forest Rain and Cyril the Wolf:
Give up your life
On Nightmare Night
The strangeness might
Cause you turmoil

A lack of light
Was that a knife?
Nothing's in sight
But still you keep curled

The nightmare creeps into your soul
Monstrosities no one can know
The claws outside your window close
As the terror inside you grows

What was that sound
No one's around
Keep your head down
They'll turn you to stone

Can you feel the ground?
Still your heart pounds
Soon the blood drowns
You've never felt so alone

You think you're safe
You think you've found your way out
But that helping hand is waiting to strangle your hope

Cover your head
In your ghostly white bed sheets
They can't grab you if your feet don't touch the ground

The nightmare creeps into your soul
Monstrosities no one can know
The claws outside your window close
As the terror inside you grows

No matter where you try to hide
The fear will pry it's way inside
No matter how fast you can run
Nightmare Night scares everyone
Hopefully this works!

The background image is kinda big, but it's the same as the actual song.

Some better cover art will have to be made, but I figured this will do for now:
Welcome! / Re: Help?
November 22, 2013, 04:57:48 AM
Okay thanks! I've heard a few songs recently, (as I'm still new to the brony fandom, didn't even find out about music until I found this game) that I would've liked to request. I would also love to help with the project! I just need to download the right files for me to actually create the text files correctly. I know how to add the other things, like covers, backgrounds, videos, etc. as I started doing that to UltraStar. I'll try to help whenever I have the chance.
Welcome! / Help?
November 17, 2013, 07:55:41 PM
Hey guys I actually came here not soon after playing the game and getting some help from Smiley on my YouTube channel. I've been looking around your forums for a while and there are some simple and easy songs I'd like to request, but since this is the first forum I've ever used... how do I use the buttons? Like the YouTube button, image button, etc.?